The Inner Workings of PR
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash
We liken the phrase "public relations" to a corporate-sounding term, but it applies to any form of brand marketing either as a group or oneself. According to the Public Relations Society of America, the definition of public relations is “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”
You still need to convince an audience to buy into your ideas, products, or values. As Forbes succinctly puts it, "PR is the persuasion business." PR isn't the same as advertising, although it may involve some form of visual ad work. In some ways, it's more effective than advertising because the stakes are greater. While advertising is designed to generate customer interest, PR can be more suited for relationship-building and long-term brand sustainability.
How do you define your brand? You have a brand, whether you’re a big Fortune 500 company or one person. It can be a product or something tangible, but it's also your reputation and public image. It is up to you to promote it, but public relations remain an essential tool when utilized effectively.
What makes PR so effective? It all comes down to enduring and useful strategies, but the most straightforward answer is that it works. Even in an increasingly online world, public relations is incredibly relevant. Virtual communication can make filtering your image and branding more easily. PR is even more critical with limited face-to-face interactions nowadays. An efficient and clear strategy can only make your brand more successful, and the multiple realms within PR can make that happen.
Multi-Faceted Communications
What makes public relations so fascinating are the layers it can be used. This includes corporate communications, internal communications, journalism, crisis communication, event planning, and beyond. It’s so much more than a spokesperson speaking in front of a group of people. Writing, editing, media pitching, campaign building, social media managing, and content creating are just a few of the roles served by public relations professionals. These are all skills in various facets of communication that are essential for organizations and individuals alike.
One of the most critical components of any brand or relationship is trust. Having consistent and reliable communication with your audience or customers builds credibility. This can mean regularly scheduled email blasts or efficient response times. It could effectively explain a problem, possible cause, and suggested resolution. How much detail and information you provide is up to your discretion, but one of PR's top priorities is establishing and protecting your brand's reputation. Having a transparent line of communication makes that more possible.
Internal Communication
Any successful brand was likely built on effective public relations, both internal and external. While tactical media campaigns can boost an outward image and drive consumer engagement, the internal communications team helps keep the business afloat. The internal communications department needs to be fostered and maintained from official memos to newsletters and building company culture. All that fancy and creative promotion won't matter much without a solid foundation.